Dropbox Business

Dropbox Business is more than 
just secure file storage—it’s
a smart workspace where teams, tools,
and content come together.


 Do more with Dropbox Business 

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Dropbox brings your files and cloud content together, so that your PowerPoints can live next to your Google Docs, Trello boards, and any other files you may need.

business feature security


secure, distributed infrastructure—plus admin tools for control and visibility—keep your company’s data safe on Dropbox.

business feature switching tools


Create, edit, and share cloud content from Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides, Microsoft Office files, and Dropbox Paper right from Dropbox. 

business feature integrations


Set up a quick touch-base—or even a virtual conference room—with just a few clicks 

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Easily access and share your work from any computer, mobile device, or web browser

business feature send files


Send large and secure file. Dropbox Transfer is the safe, easy way to deliver final files of any size to colleagues and clients.


There are  few Dropbox Business plans which Standard Plan, Advanced and Enterprise. Find out more about  Dropbox Business pricing and plans by drop us an email at info@bintara.com.my or contact us here.